
Furious + Frustrated=Getting bully

I was really pissed off right now. Do I look like easily getting bully by others especially BOSS????
Well , I admit I am a petite and weak girl from my appearance but it does not apply the same to my attitude!!!
I just want to say :"Always to be FAIR to the employee especially the Foreign workers".
I just have a little basic request for my annual leave , I really don't understand why don't you allow and give me a suck reason said that 'I have not been confirmed yet' What????
If I really not been confirmed yet , then you should sack me earlier???Why need to let me stay here until Aug???
I already dint count with you about my salary , can you please don't cross over my limit????
Even I have not been confirmed yet , I am also entitled to the annual leave according to the MOM's rule and regulation.Thus , I will go talk to my selfish Boss since I feel not surrender to this and some more this is not my fault at all!!!!
I need to fight for my basic Right as a employee~~~:) Being confident and independent from time to time.

P/S: I feel a bit relieve now since I had eat some nice tidbits.....hihi

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