My dearest crony ~~~PeiMun. Siow ee and me long time didn't meet you already......sorry a is me always delay it...but today can meet you up ultimately also.....but not every thing is going smooth tonight but we still can enjoy our cheerful and merry moment...I felt very enjoyed while I listen to you 2 talk your stories.....hihi...may be long time didn't see then got a lot of stories to talk...once you talk will be non-stop...hihi.....
But I feel deeply sorry to you 2because made you two back home quite late and lost the parking ticket aikz...and 1st time made you two so afraid of my DEAR because of his black face...I knew it will be very terrible and horrible....Sorry...:(
p\s:special thanks to my DEAR's surprise.....coming to me suddenly.....this time your surprise was succeed finally.....I like it..hihi...I sure will hug you if there are only left me and you...hihi....MUACKZ